Need order of service funeral ideas?

It is a job that nobody wants but where do you go if you need order of service funeral ideas? Many families turn to their funeral director for guidance. They can tell families what needs to be included and what options they have. Some people search the internet to find a funeral printing service. Fitting Farewell work with funeral directors and also direct with families.
Funeral Order of Service Ideas and Inspiration

Need Funeral Order of Service Ideas? They not only acts as a guide to those attending the funeral but become a treasured memory.
Looking for a funeral order of service template?

Are you looking for a funeral order of service template? There are plenty of companies who offer a basic template online as part of an automated process and leave you to try and make it look good.
We speak to people who spent ages adding low quality photos, or trying to remove things, or people, in the background of photos. They were left to try and source hymns from the internet which may be incorrect or have verses missing. Customers, with no design experience, are just left to get on with it and at the end of the process generate a PDF, pay online, and if there are any mistakes, it is always down to the customer.
Funeral Order of Service Printing

At Fitting Farewell, we sometimes get asked ‘How did you get into funeral order of service printing?’ by our customers.
The first part of our answer is that we suffered a loss in our family. That person meant a lot to us and we wanted to create something special to remember them by. The second part is that once people had seen what we had done we got requests to do something similar for them.
Sending Thank You Cards After A Funeral

Dealing with the loss of a loved one can be one of the most difficult times in a person’s life. Whether or not the death was expected or a surprise, the grief can still be overwhelming. For many it can be so overwhelming that you become unable to communicate with the outside world. Often overcome with grief, it is common for people to hide away from the support offered to them as they struggle to deal with their grief. However, it is at times like these that your family and friends will rally around and do all they can to support you. You will often receive sympathy cards, flowers and many other tokens of sympathy from those close to you.
Thank you for the wonderful work

Receiving a testimonial from a family member after the funeral is always very humbling. At such a difficult time for the family the fact that someone takes the time and trouble to contact us is always very special to us. It makes what we do feel so worthwhile.
Funeral Order of Service Cards

Planning a funeral for a loved one can be a difficult task. As well as coping with your grief, you have the pressure of trying to ensure they have the funeral they would have wanted – and making sure every aspect of the service is perfect. A Funeral Order of Service is a touching way to remember your loved one. They ensure everyone at the funeral has not only a keepsake of their loved one but also a personalised commemoration of their life. Whether you want to choose a traditional and religious style or something more personal and informal with poems and photographs, a Funeral Order of Service is a key part of any funeral.