How to Write the Perfect Eulogy

There is often a lot of anxiety surrounding writing a eulogy. People fear that they fall short of the perfect farewell. The truth is that eulogies come in many shapes and sizes. Whether you are giving the eulogy or writing it for your celebrant to read, this guide can help.
A Celebration of Life or a funeral?
Should funerals be ‘a Celebration of Life’ or more traditional? That is a key question for all of us who have lost someone special. Last week I read a very interesting article by a parish priest who was critical of the trend towards funerals being ‘a celebration of life’ rather than a more reflective and sombre act of mourning and remembrance.
Saying goodbye to a loved one

This article is on funeral order of service and saying goodbye to a loved one in a personal and individual way. The funeral service being used as a celebration of someone’s life is becoming more popular in modern society. The increasing personalisation we see these days is part of a growing trend, perhaps as we become a more secular society. The importance of a funeral service these days seems to be more focused on saying goodbye to a loved one.
How to plan a funeral

Planning a funeral can be overwhelming and knowing who you need to contact can be very confusing. There can be so many things to arrange before a funeral can even take place which, if you have never experienced them, can be daunting. This simple guide covers the key elements to planning a funeral for your loved one. It should help to simplify the process and make things easier at a time of tremendous grief.
Pre-planning a funeral

Planning a funeral for a loved one is a difficult and often upsetting process. However, it can be made slightly more bearable if you and your loved one have pre-planned your funeral beforehand. You never know when you may fall ill or have an accident so it is best to be prepared.
Making things easier when you’re gone

You should always consider how to make things easier for your loved ones when you’re gone. Nobody wants to think about a time when they will no longer be alive, but unfortunately that day will come. If it’s been planned in advance the strain left on loved ones can be significantly reduced, easing the grieving process as much as possible.