When dealing with the loss of a loved one it can be one of the most difficult times in a person’s life and you may not feel like sending Thank You Cards after a funeral. Whether or not the death was expected or a surprise, the grief can still be overwhelming. For many it can be so overwhelming that you become unable to communicate with the outside world. Often overcome with grief, it is common for people to hide away from the support offered to them as they struggle to deal with their grief. However, it is at times like these that your family and friends will rally around and do all they can to support you. You will often receive sympathy cards, flowers and many other tokens of sympathy from those close to you.

It can be difficult within those first few weeks to express your gratitude for those who have supported you and sent tokens of sympathy. The thought of having to make a large amount of telephone calls, visit people in person or write letters to those you need to thank can be daunting and off putting if you are not ready yet. What if there was a simple way that you could contact all of your friends and family to express your thanks for their support and attendance at your loved ones funeral?

At Fitting Farewell we have the perfect solution for you, you can send Thank You Cards after a funeral. Acknowledgement cards (sometimes called post funeral thank you cards) can be customised to whichever design you would like. You could even use the same design as on the funeral order of service. Often customers like to add a photograph of their loved one to the front of the card or a simple design such as an angel, heart or flowers. You can choose exactly what you would like to have written inside the cards and we’ll take care of the printing for you.

Once you have approved your design we will send you through your acknowledgement cards (post funeral thank you cards) so that you can begin sending them to your friends and family. As well as being an expression of your appreciation, the thank you cards are also a memorable keepsake for your friends and family. They are another way to pay tribute to your lost loved one and will relieve you from having to worry about having to thank everyone personally for their sympathy and support. We understand that even after a funeral has taken place, you are still grieving but by using our post funeral thank you cards, we hope to make things a little easier.