Are you looking for Funeral Order of Service Ideas? Dealing with the loss of a loved one can feel overwhelming. You might feel like the pressure is on to get many different things sorted in a short time.
A funeral order of service not only acts as a guide to those attending the funeral but is often given out to those who are unable to attend. It becomes a treasured memory, so knowing what to include can seem daunting. While you will have the support of your funeral directors, we have put together a few funeral Order of Service ideas to help you get started.
The Front Page
This is prescriptive, as the format of a photograph of the deceased, their name and dates of life and death tend to work well. A picture that demonstrates the personality of the deceased works well. It gives those attending a gentle reminder that while this is a sad gathering they should also think fondly of the person as they remember them. Names often include any nicknames or known as names, and again this is encouraged. Nicknames say a lot and are often talked about.
The Service Order
So, the front cover is the easiest part of an order of service. Where you go from there is up to you. It is your chance to ensure your loved one is remembered in the best way possible. It is entirely proper for those gathered to laugh as well as cry at a funeral. Whether you are having a religious, celebrant or humanist funeral there will be certain things that need to be included, and in a specific order. Be guided by those conducting the service – make sure you ask ‘What needs to be included?’.
Keep Things Moving
Often there will be family members and friends who wish to speak about a particular memory. It is perfectly acceptable to ask for the outline of their speech in advance. Generally, the celebrant, priest or vicar speaks first and welcomes the attendees. Now you can have people speak, or read poems or bible verses, depending on the individual and feel of the service.
Music for Reflection
Music is always a good intersection, whether you want to join in a hymn or just listen to a piece of music that reminds people of the deceased. Some families like to have music as the coffin is carried in, with attendees already seated. Others prefer the coffin to be carried in before anyone else comes in. The family may choose to walk with the coffin or be seated beforehand. It is about making the experience as comforting as possible for all involved.
Interspersing chat and music works well as if a memory is poignant. You allow people the length of the music to gather themselves and relax a little.
The Committal is a standard part of a service, and again the format will depend on the style of funeral chosen. A slideshow of photographs or a short video montage of memories can be used here. It gives the gathered family and friends time to remember and reflect.
The order of service as a printed document should be kept simple but personal. Remember that some people may only have this to remember the person or not be in a position to attend in person. For this reason, some people print the poems or lyrics and include family photos. The bottom line is there is no right or wrong way to format and print the order of service. Never be afraid to ask whether something can be included or removed. Your funeral directors are there for you and will always do their best to help.
Working with Us
Fitting Farewell work with funeral directors and direct with families. We often deal direct with families on behalf of funeral directors. They trust us. We have the experience and skill to create a funeral order of service to be treasured forever. You will be dealing with your designer who can answer your questions and guide you where appropriate.
If you would like to find out more, or discuss any funeral Order of Service ideas, please call 0800 612 6484 or email