Funeral songs, and what they can say about us

When choosing funeral songs or music for the funeral service, there are three main routes people take – classical favourites, pop songs, or humorous pieces to raise a smile on such a sad occasion.
Making things easier when you’re gone

You should always consider how to make things easier for your loved ones when you’re gone. Nobody wants to think about a time when they will no longer be alive, but unfortunately that day will come. If it’s been planned in advance the strain left on loved ones can be significantly reduced, easing the grieving process as much as possible.
Orders of service can add a personal touch to a loved one’s funeral
Orders of service can add a personal touch to a loved one’s funeral, which is one of the main reasons why they are almost always included. But what exactly are the orders of service, and how do they make the experience more personal?
Popular funeral songs

A funeral is a sad time for families, but more and more people are now becoming actively involved in making sure their loved ones know what sort of funeral they want. And rather than it being a sad, solemn affair, most would rather it was a celebration of life, rather than a mourning of passing.